Fort Lauderdale Infrared Imaging Surveys

Weller Infrared Services provides professional electrical infrared, building infrared and, roof infrared thermal imaging surveys on commercial, industrial and multi-family buildings in Fort Lauderdale, throughout Florida the Southern United States.  Our infrared thermal imaging surveys of electrical switchgear, energy loss, building walls and roof systems find hidden problems and save our clients Fort Lauderdale money and time.

Qualified Infrared Inspections and Thermal Imaging

Weller Infrared Services can help with infrared thermal imaging. Many building, electrical, and roofing problems are invisible to the naked eye and can be overlooked during a conventional inspection. Our thermal imaging inspections offers a non-invasive method of diagnosing many problems such as moisture damage, electrical problems, energy loss and mechanical problems. We develop comprehensive, detailed reports using infrared thermal imaging that helped our Fort Lauderdale clients:

We have the Experience and Training

Our system of nondestructive testing requires both skill and knowledge to accurately interpret the information gathered. Many companies will purchase a thermal imaging camera but fail to invest in the necessary training. Thermal imaging is not a "point and shoot" technology. Weller Infrared Services has been trained and has received a Level 3 certification from the Infraspection Institute. Our training is in accordance with ASNT Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing.
